
Showing posts from 2018

My 53 Day Goal

Today is the November 7th 2018, and I have exactly 53 days until 2019 to accomplish any goals I have left before the end of this year. I don't feel like I've been neglecting my goals this year, but I definitely can use this time-crunch as motivation to kick it into high gear. So whats going on in Raven's life right now? My internship ends in a week My LAST class for my Bachelors degree ends in December I just revamped resume I just made a professional reference What am I trying to accomplish before the end of 2019 Share everything I've done in 2018  Apply for jobs in my field for 2019 Look for a seasonal job to help with my shopping and travel addiction I KNOW I KNOW, this is a piss-poor excuse for a list but I'm 4 days free of social media and its all coming to me. I want to be as productive with my time as possible and these social media break reminds me of everything I've been neglecting.... like this blog. I want to use this blog to

So You're Finally 25

A few weeks ago was my 25th birthday and I wasn't sure how I felt about it. I'm technically single so I wasn't expecting bells and whistles but I wanted to feel special on my milestone day. In the beginning of October, I told myself that I was participating in the #selflove movement. You know...take the day off, buy yourself flowers, spa day with the friends, buy that makeup palette you'll been staring at for the past few months. I even took a hiking trip to the west coast and lived lavishly for the weekend at a high end resort. I was probably living the dream for social media but deep down inside, was I happy? A week later, I deactivated my Instagram account to find time to reflect on my definition of #selflove. I scrolled through my mini vacation picture and found myself mesmerized by this picture. The picture of my 12 dollar tulips I bought for myself. What is the meaning of selflove and how does one achieve it? Hopefully I find myself one-step closer to that answe